Revival of ‘Samson et Dalila’ at the Palau de les Arts in Valencia


La Fura dels Baus is immersed in the rehearsals for Samson et Dalila, of Saint-Saëns, the first opera premiered at the Palau de les Arts this 2016. The director Carlus Padrissa and his team are finalizing their meeting with the public in Valencia in the tenth opera house season. The show will be performed on 5 occasions, on January 12, 14, 17, 20 and 23rd.

It should be added that this will be the first opera directed by Roberto Abbado as conductor of the Orquestra de la Comunitat Valenciana. The tenor Gregory Kunde, who recently won his second award Teatro Campoamor for the best opera performer will debut in Valencia as the role of Samson. Varduhi Abrahamyan will interpret the role of Dalila for the first time in her career. Meanwhile, baritone André Heyboer embodies the high priest.

Carlus Padrissa was also the author of most awarded production in history of Les Arts, Der Ring des Nibelungen by Richard Wagner, which was Valencia’s opening into the internattional circuit of theater: it was the first, and to date, the only own Wagnerian tetralogy that has been represented in a Spanish theater. On the occasion of the Christmas holidays, Les Arts opened the rehearsals of Samson et Dalila to the public, in a new arrangement that allows the visitor, besides knowing the main rooms, access to restricted areas to the general public, such as dressing or the areas of technical and artistic work located in the depths of the theater.

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