Workshop ‘Sobre la memòria’ to present Èpica in Barcelona

La Fura dels Baus is working on the opening of Èpica: a multidisciplinary learning space for the performing arts. To warm things up and present the project to society, the company is proposing a workshop in Barcelona based on theatrical experimentation, spatial experimentation, and technological experimentation. Based on the Furan language, it will propose the concept of ‘memory’ with a multidisciplinary perspective that allows to investigate the limits of the stage.

The workshop will begin June 20th and end on July 16th. Thanks to the collaboration of La Fura and EU Collective Plays, tuition will be free to 30 people aged 18 years or older. The workshop will be held in the Parc d’Humanitats i de les Ciències socials of the University of Barcelona (C/ Peru 52, Barcelona). More information is avaiable on the link of the workshop’s webpage.

ÈPICA: A learning center based on the Furan language

The purpose of the Èpica project is to use the Furan method as a learning method. Over 36 years, La Fura dels Baus has developed a specific method of creation, articulated around the joint work of various talented individuals. La Fura now wants to propagate its creative success and methodology. Through a learning center the company will facilitate  learning expereriences and opportunities to carry out creative projects. The idea of this initiative is to bring scientific and technological development (talent and knowledge) in order to transform them and recall them to society.

Èpica will become a center that aims to go beyond just being a laboratory of ideas. Using the learning experience as a result of sharing knowledge; but above all as a result of a shared experience. The learning center will focus on becoming a benchmark for creative methodology of the 21st century. In addition, La Fura wishes that the learning center wi remain open to society, not only through their activity and their students, but also establishing cooperation agreements with other initiatives, universities, research institutions and companies.

*This project is included in EU Collective PlaysEU COLLECTIVE PLAYS 
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