Staged perfomances

Is there the ideal partner or just a dream Marta to escape the moral decay around him?
A new look at the classic Guimerà taking Marta as the core of the work. His character is what moves the entire drama, from the ignominious abuse Sebastian heir to his escape with the pastor “Manelic” through bullying of neighbors, Martha is a precursor of the modern woman character emancipatory. A victim who does not resign. The present alone in their miserable mill surrounded by neighbors who respond to oppression with the owner of the absolute moral baseness humiliating represented by Marta. Isolated in his inner world, in fearing the arrival of Sebastian, her boss-lover-protector-rapist, Martha, on the verge of suicide, recreates the wild with the pastor who has engaged in a co-location he loves and protects agoviar without it, was leaving her, which is why the estimates.
Marina Gatell……………………………………Marta
Jordi Coromina…………………………………Pep i el cos de Sebastià
Quimet Plà……………………………………………Nando i llop
Mireia Gubianas………………………………Pepa, Mula i Antònia
Xesco Pinto…………………………………………Manelich, Ruc i Perruca
Actors i actrius Virtuals:
Francesc Orella………………………………Sebastià
Joan Pera………………………………………………Tomàs (Ermità)
Ernest Villegas………………………………Manelic
Marina Comas………………………………………Nuri
Mercè Aranega……………………………………Pepa
Roger Cadamajor…………………………………Xeixa
Oscar Rabadan………………………………………Mossen
Xevi Vilà…………………………………………………Perruca
Cata Munar………………………………………………Antònia
Càsting………………………………………………………Pep Armengol
Adaptació dels diàlegs………………Pere Martí (editorial Roure de Can Roca)
Muntatge vídeo……………………………………Conrado López
Disseny de llums i sò…………………Xavi Alcrudo (El Xiringuito)
Cap de sala……………………………………………Lídia Figueras
Cap tècnic Grúa…………………………………Jaume Grau
Producció…………………………………………………Kira Dominguez Barbosa
Vestuari……………………………………………………Iranctxu Ortiz
Vestuari Marta Redemtion…………Teresa Helbig
Vestuari llop xai i bruixa……Gori Fortià ( Cal Maties de Moià )
Entrenadora de trapezi………………Beatriz Contreras
Atrezzo………………………………………………………Montse Portet (el Verdaguer, Castellcir )
Màquina de ventar……………………………Jaume Soler ( el Prat, Castellcir)
Grúa de Imperium………………………………Alberto Pastor
Equipament Vídeo………………………………Joan Fericle (Baf)
Transports………………………………………………Jaume Padrisa ( traginer d´animals morro plà)
Agraïments: a tot l´equip tècnic i artístic de gravació de la pel.lícula ”Terra Baixa” i a Ramón Vidal, Aranxa Zunzunegui, la Perla 29, Agustí Turró, Jürgen Müller, Ramona Arcas, Meteora Fontana, Antonio Durán, Lolo( Insomnia Sound), Jordi Electro, Sacramento Cuadra, Lola Ortiz, Mireia Romero, Bhagawati i Dambari Padrissa.
Manàgament…………………………………………………Rosa Arnaiz
Música……………………………………………………………Pep Sala
Direcció………………………………………………………Isidre Ortiz i Carlus Padrissa (La Fura dels Baus)
Música: Pep Sala
Direcció: Isidre Ortiz i Carlus Padrissa ( La Fura dels Baus )
Based on the play by Angel Guimerà It is a spectacle of Fura investigating the interaction between realactors and actresses with virtual actors and actresses who appear inthe raw recordings from the movie TERRA BAIXA, directed by Isidro Ortiz and produced by the Television of Catalonia and FAUSTO productions.