Álex Ollé reinterprets ‘Norma’ at the Royal Opera House

The director Àlex Ollé returns with the direction of the new Norma production for The Royal Opera House. La Fura dels Baus will open the season of the London opera bringing modernity to this timeless tale of love, rivalry and betrayal, in the military context of a fanatical religious society. The opera will premiere on September 12th and will be performed 8 times until October 8th.

The priestess Norma loves Pollione, leader of the occupying force suppressing her people, and has borne two children by him. But Pollione’s love has withered, and he now loves Norma’s fellow priestess Adalgisa. Meanwhile, the people urgently look to Norma to lead their rebellion. Norma discovers the love between Pollione and Adalgisa. Furiously she gives the signal for war. Pollione is captured, attempting to steal away with Adalgisa. Norma, called upon to announce a sacrificial victim to consecrate the uprising, declares it shall be a guilty priestess: herself.

Music filling conflicts and scenarios that summarize the aesthetic and ideological yearnings of a turbulent time. A period in which Europe, beyond the Age of Reason and the Enlightenment, sought the irrational impulses that, by reason, move the man.

The new opera by La Fura dels Baus will be distinguished by a superlative cast of internationally renowned singers, led by Anna Netrebko. The acclaimed soprano debut in the title role along with tenor Jose Calleja as the secret lover of Norma, Pollione. The classic Bellini, full of wonderful melodies and opportunities to make the voices shine. Norma is especially known for the stunning aria singing the protagonist, Casta diva. You can purchase tickets for the various functions of the new show of La Fura dels Baus through the official website of the Royal Opera House in London.



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