Published18/06/2018 - 20/07/2018 Fundación Èpica 3.000€

‘The brain’: The ultimate adventure of the human being at the Èpica Foundation by La Fura

In this edition, Épica Foundation – La Fura dels Baus presents the Workshop & Workshow titled “The Brain, the ultimate adventure of the Human being”. It will be a multidisciplinar and transversal work that aims to challenge different disciplines: such as Enginery, Arts, Literature, Science or Gastronomy.

The main focus of the workshop will be based on the brain and studies that approach it through different areas of knowledge: the wet brain, the creative brain, the edible brain, the cognitive brain, the auto-censored brain, the non-memorial brain, etc.

The workshop will be structured through masterclasses with experts in various areas; from scientist researchers to professionals and artists that have worked with La Fura dels Baus.

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