The smartshow ‘M.U.R.S.’ lands in Brazil

M.U.R.S. continues its international tour and lands in Brazil this November, to perfdorm 5 shows in São Paulo and 5 shows in Rio de Janeiro. The innovative structure of M.U.R.S. will be installed in the two main cities of Brazil in order to show citizens the experiment of living in a smartcity.

The first smart show in history with the unmistakable signature of La Fura, M.U.R.S. arribes in Brazil after their groundbreaking performances in Spain, France, Hong Kong and Holland. Technological development in the modern age has shaped individuals, businesses and the economy and transformed many aspects of urban life, manifesting the notion of ‘smart cities’. Staging now in Brazil, which has also seen the transformation of a society given rise by technological and informational revolution, M.U.R.S. will present a theatrical experience that inspires people to rethink the role of a citizen of a Smart City.

In the Smart City M.U.R.S. will pose questions to those who experience a 2.0 installation in living in a new model of democracy. It will be akin to living in a typical city, with real-world premises, namely economy, mobility, ecology, citizenship, governance and digital life. Participants’ smart phone will be the guide that takes them onto a journey into the unknown.

The show-installation will be in Spanish and will be represented on 5 occasions in the Ginásio Poliesportivo Mauro Pinheiro de São Paulo (11/11 at 21h, 12/11 at 20h, 13/11th at 15h and 20h, and 14/11 at 20h). There will also be 5 functions in Armazém da Utopia de Río de Janeiro (19/11 at 20h, 20/11 at 15h and at 20h, and 21-22 / 11 at 20h). More information on the website of Kabuki Produçoes.


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