‘Épica y Singular’: a new employment experience for young people

Do you want to investigate? Are you different? Do you need new challenges? Do you like to work in a team? Are you looking for a job?

La Fura dels Baus, with its Epica project, the Fundación Laboral de la Construcción – Cataluña (FLC) and the Instituto Municipal de Promoción del Empleo (IMPO) del Ajuntament de Badalona, have designed a project that will imply a new employment experience for young people: finding work by learning and working on skills in a scenario that is radically different from what we are accustomed to. And that’s because the people who participate in this action will really immerse themselves in a true creative laboratory of La Fura.

This new experience, subsidized by the Servei d’Ocupació de la Generalitat de Catalunya, within the framework of the Garantía Juvenil program, offers two lines of work for young people under 30 years of age. For more information, see the attached annex. * Young people interested in participating can address, referring to the Épica y Singular project:

IMPO – Can Boscà
C/Nova Cançó, 1 – 08915 Badalona
Phone: 934 605 200
Contact: Montse Díaz
> More information


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