The successful ‘Carmina Burana’ by La Fura arrives in Portugal

The reinterpretation of Carmina Burana by La Fura dels Baus continues its tour and arrives in Portugal. Carl Orff‘s cantata, directed by Carlus Padrissa is the the most watched show by the company. It will be performed at the Campo Pequeno in Lisboa (December 20 and 21) and at the Superbock Arena Pav. Rosa Mota in Porto (Saturday 28). Tickets can already be purchased through this link.

La Fura dels Baus designed an exciting Carmina Burana, where the viewer, through shocking scenes, special effects and even spring fragrances, delves into the strong and visceral music of Carl Orff. The show is performed live by a double ensemble orchestra.

Floral ecstasy
A cylinder of ten meters in diameter surrounds the orchestra on stage while some images, projected on it, illustrate the work. A giant moon, waterfalls, floral ecstasy, a live harvest, wine, water and fire.


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