La Fura dels Baus collaborates with Open Arms on the 75th anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights

Today, Monday, December 11th, the beach of Sant Sebastià in Barceloneta has dawned with the staging of a shipwreck to denounce the more than 2,600 deaths, innocent lives, drowned in the Mediterranean this 2023.

Under the artistic direction of Carlus Padrissa and together with the NGO, during Sunday night with the help of hundreds of volunteers from Solidança, Grup Acció, CNAB, CocaCola Spain and an infinite number of others, they worked all night long to carry out the installation and denounce the violation of the most basic human rights in the Mediterranean: “the structural holocaust” as Oscar Camps, founder and director of Open Arms, says.

We would like to thank from the deep of our heart our friends of Open Arms to continue fighting for the most vulnerable and to the more than 100 volunteers who with their generosity and enthusiasm have helped us to believe in this project and to give voice to those whose voices are not heard.

Thank you very much, big team!

La Fura dels Baus x Open Arms
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