La Fura dels Baus presents the music album of ‘Free Bach 212’

It has been long time since last music album recorded by La Fura dels Baus. The last one was on 2002 about the show XXX. Anyway, last year La Fura recorded the music of Free Bach 212, the free version of the Baukernkantate by Johan Sebastian Bach. This morning the album has been presented in the Jamboree in Barcelona. It was recorded at the studio Espai Sonor Montoliu by David Casamitjans and it has ben published by Audiovisuals de Sarrià SL. «Free Bach 212 can be considered a theatrical concert», has explained the director Miki Espuma to the assistants.

The show Free Bach 212 was premiered in 2016. Since then it has being successfully touring around stages all over the Europe.  La Fura dels Baus and Divine Mysteria serve this spectacle with new interdisciplinary crossings where electronic music, multimedia image, flamenco and contemporary poetics of the show want to give new meaning to modern audiences: a timeless and inherent to the provision of the BWV.212 Peasant Cantata, to move and delight without barriers or limitations.

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