
Ascenso y caída de la ciudad de Mahagonny


The work was a collaboration between the musician and the playwright Bertolt Brecht, mixing in it elements of a truly operatic tradition with features from popular poetry. The production of the Madrid Coliseum, where Mahagonny is a premiere, is a very strong commitment to the new artistic orientation of Real. To begin with, due to the staging of La Fura dels Baus (Carlus Padrissa and Àlex Ollé directing the stage), which is always a guarantee of daring and imagination.

Ficha Técnica

Cast: Measha Brueggergosman, Michael König and Jane Henschel.

Author: Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht.

Musical Direction: Pablo Heras-Casado.

Direction: Carlus Padrissa and Àlex Ollé


Elements of a truly operatic tradition with features from popular poetry.

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