
Gallo de Fogo


Gallo de Fogo is a show specially created and designed for the Pepsi Twist Land 2017 in Praia, Brazil. A set of interventions that revolve around the elements of the macro-performances and, at the same time, experiment with new scenographic samples, such as dragons.

Ficha Técnica

Director: Pera Tantiñá

Production: Rubèn Pujol

Director assistant: Àgata Tantiñá i Raúl Vargas

Actors: Falos & Stercus & volunters

Music: Pablo Domingo

Rigging: Josep Padrós

Riggers: Josep Maria Vilaregut, David Vilaregut, Dafne Martínez


Gallo de Fogo is a show specially created and designed for the Pepsi Twist Land 2017 in Praia, Brazil. The Fura dels Baus will experiment during the 6 days of the festival at the coast of Rio de Janeiro.

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