Lenguaje furero Workshop

Game Over


In no-man’s land, a flawed space where beneath the tangible reality lies the twisted and manipulated information of the system, breathing and hitting the dream-eating machine. In this adulterated universe, beings coexist, a reflection of a dehumanized society, who relate to each other in order to achieve their goals by taking advantage of everything that is presented to them.

La Fura proposes a participatory project that will lead to the development of this workshop started in Uruguay, opening the possibility of admitting new gambling partners.

Ficha Técnica

Guión y Dirección: Jürgen Müller (La Fura dels Baus) y Judy Lomas


Lucas Carrier

Diego Nessi

Carolina Eizmendi

Analía Puentes

Valentina Díaz Lamoglie

Luis Pazos

Andrea Silva

Diego Ruella Cáceres

Patricia Fry

Irene Müller Lohidoy



En tierra de nadie, un espacio viciado donde bajo la realidad tangible subyace la información tergiversada y manipulada del sistema, respira y golpea la máquina devoradora de sueños.


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