The crisis caused by the Covid-19 has generated a change of the economic and social paradigm. Èpica Foundation by La Fura dels Baus faces the challenge to adapt the scenic language to a new global stage. It will be with the reinterpretation of a classic of Shakespeare’s literature: Macbeth. Called La Maldición de la Corona, the audience will live a virtual performance about how a circumstantial decision changes a life forever and creates “the new normal”. The first virtual performance took place last Tuesday, April 28, with an audience of over 3,000 people. Due to its extraordinary reception, it will be retransmitted next Friday, 8 May, at 18:30 hours.
The coordinates to enjoy this fascinating and revolutionary experience can already be found through this link. It is recommended to access the retransmission through a computer because to enjoy all the immersive content it is advisable to download and have installed on the smartphone the Kalliope app, available in Google Play o Apple Store. The name of the channel is: maldicion. Once the broadcast begins, further instructions will be received.