La Fura dels Baus and Divine Mysteriaserve this spectacle with new interdisciplinary crossings where electronic music, multimedia image, flamenco and contemporary poetics of the show want to give new meaning to modern audiences: a timeless and inherent to the provision of the BWV.212 Peasant Cantata, to move and delight without barriers or limitations.
La Fura dels Baus
Divine Mysteria
Coodirectors, idea and script: Miki Espuma and David Cid
Musical direction: Pavel Amilcar Thor Jorgen and Miki Espuma
Video: David Cid
Cantaora: Mariola Membrives
Mezzosoprano: Eulalia Fantova
Baritone Joan Garcia Goma
Violin: Pavel Amilcar
Viola: Leticia Moors
Violone: Thor Jorgen
Harpsichord: Alberto Andres Gomez
Dancer: Miguel Ángel Serrano
Production: Marta Coll
Sculptures: Fernando Bravo
Music album of the free version of the Baukernkantate (Peasant Cantata) BWV.212 of JS Bach by La Fura dels Baus.