Staged perfomances



The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka is an unbeatable starting point for La Fura dels Baus and Javier Daulte in their attempt to explore the anxieties of 21st century urban dwellers. Metamorphosis, transformation, and change are the driving force behind a performance that recreates a world without the solution of collective organizing.
This free version of the classic is organized around the big ideas Kafka incorporated into his novel: otherness, the impossible differentiation that is never well received by the masses and the failure that all attempts at individualization lead to. The Metamorphosis, written in 1915, integrates most of the problems that urbanites in the early 21st century must confront in their attempt to distinguish themselves from a society that rewards conformity. What remains, after any process of transformation, is the last human condition, fear.
The dramatic codes of La Fura dels Baus and Javier Daulte dovetail in a staging that highlights the synthesis between the actors’ work and a physical and audiovisual recreation of the closed world of Gregor Samsa.

Ficha Técnica

Gregor: Ruben Ametllé
Mother: Angelina Llongueras
Father: Artur Trias
Grete: Sara Rosa Losilla
Friend: Isak Férriz

Artistic direction
Àlex Ollé (La Fura dels Baus)

Scenic direction and dramaturgy
Àlex Ollé / Javier Daulte

Javier Daulte

Franc Aleu / Emmanuelle Carlier

Stage Design
Roland Olbeter

Josep Sanou

Catou Verdier

Pere Capell / Javier Daulte / Àlex Ollé

Assistant of direction
Valentina Carrasco

Head Technician
Alberto Pastor

Tour Manager
Sivia Fantou

Technician of Lights
Pere Capell

Technician of Video
Joan Rodon

Sound technician
Juan García

Stage Hand
Francesc Martínez


Urano Films

Graphic & web design
Albert Claret

Production Director
Carles Manrique

Executive producer
Pep Salazar

Produccion assistant
Aina Romagosa

Thanks to
Magda Puyo, Pep Armengol, Albert Maur, Géraldine Doat, Atrium Viladecans, SGAE, Renfe, nstitut Ramon Llull.

Management team
Manager: Eduard Garcia
Administrator: Juanjo Artieda
Business manager: Elena Blanco
Internacional Sales: Rosa Arnaiz
Marketing: Sílvia Sáez
Artistic Direction Assistant: Vicky Murillo
Communication: Cristina Salvador/Iris Rubio
Administration: Esther Sastre
Technical coordinator: Pedro Pablo Hervás
Audio-visual coordinator: Joan Rodón/David Ramos
Computer coordinator: Miguel Galán
Reception: Katharina Böwig


A free version of Franz Kafka’s classic that proposes an exploration of the keys that define the differentiation of the individual through isolation and dehumanization. The paradox is that all we are left with is escape, an escape into ourselves that distances us more and more from the rest of humanity.

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