
L’home del mil·lenni


For the 1999 New Year’s Eve celebration, La Fura received a commission from Airtel (now Vodafone) to create a large-scale performance that would symbolise the change of millennia. This action, which culminated in a massive party –more than 100,000 people brought Barcelona’s Plaza de Catalunya to a standstill- began with a popular poll over the internet that, through a questionnaire, sought to define the characteristics that those polled felt should define the man of the new millenium. Based on the 31,000 responses from web surfers, a giant was designed and constructed to rise up as the clock chimes in the New Year. The best synthesis of that new man was a being built from the characteristics of other men. One hundred actors were placed inside the large figure, bestowing it with the muscles, blood and skin necessary for its existence. The poll statistics were projected on the erected giant, while the lighting and the actors were transforming it. L’home del mil.lenni was a festive macro-spectacle in which the audience’s participation, customary in the works of La Fura dels Baus, was absorbed into the celebration. In this case, the reason behind the gathering was part of popular culture: the last night of the year, the last night of the millenium.

Ficha Técnica

Creación y dirección
«Hansel» Cereza, Carlos Padrissa (La Fura dels Baus).

Ingeniero estructura y realización
Joan Mª Roig

Ian Briton

Diseño de sonido
Marc Sardà

Diseño de iluminación
Germinal Ruiz

Coordinación técnica vídeo
Jordi Casinos

Vidi Vidal

Locutor directo
Miki Espuma (La Fura dels Baus).

Remi Trotereau

Marga Binoux

Responsables técnicos
Fernando Esparza, Pedro Pablo Hervás, Alberto Pastor.

«Kanijo», Francisco J. Ramallo.

Mar Aguiluz

Asistente de dirección
Sylvie Lafourcade

Equipo Gerona Grup
Ton Gerona, Marina Partera, Núria Jordà, Susana Jové, Esperança D. Belmonte, Luci Lenox, Angels Mas, Miquel Albiac, Cristina Gisbert, Norberto Fontini, Fernando Sussini, Máximo Castaño.
Castellers de Sants
Castellers de Barcelona
Castellers de L’Home del Mil.lenni

31/12/99, en la plaza de Catalunya de Barcelona.


Un espectáculo producido y desarrollado especialmente para Airtel. En colaboración con: Ajuntament de Barcelona, Institut de Cultura de Barcelona, Servei de Festes i Participació Cultural Serveis Municipals de Barcelona.


At the millenium’s end, La Fura received a commission from Airtel (Vodafone) to organize a massive party in the center of Barcelona. The result was a macro-performance that exceeds all expectations for audience: more than 100,000 people participated in the event.

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